How it started
In January 2022 I was doing one of those big clear outs, you know the ones after you’ve packed away the Christmas decorations and you’ve watched The Minimalists on Netflix? I was going from room to room trying to declutter and keep only what I considered to be beautiful or useful (as per William Morris).
It was a challenge when I got to the craft room because to me, all the fabric in there was beautiful. But was it all useful? Or had I fallen into the trap of accumulating ‘stuff’ in case it might be useful some day? As a perpetual crafter and lover of the planet I always save and re-use what I can but I realised that I had more fabric than I needed, and some of it I didn’t actually love.
Rather than have it all go to waste I wanted to share it with other people who might love it. The first thing I did was to cut the extensive stash of quilting cottons I had gathered over the years and made the first charm packs that I listed on Etsy back in February 2022. It brings me joy to know that other people do find the fabrics and other craft supplies useful, and that my ‘stuff’ is making a contribution to the world, not just languishing on my shelves or going to waste.
Since then I’ve added more fabrics when I have them as well as some of my original art works. I also now sell batts of fibre for spinning, handspun yarn and sewing kits.